How to Address Unsafe Sleep Images

A baby yawns while swaddled in a caregiver's arms.During Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month and beyond, the Safe to Sleep® campaign and its partners hope to normalize safe infant sleep by sharing images and messages that show safe sleep practices in action. During your SIDS Awareness Month activities, you or your organization may receive or be tagged in images or videos that show an unsafe sleep area, or that do not follow safe infant sleep guidelines.

Consider these options for responding to posts that do not follow safe infant sleep guidelines:

  • Send a direct message or reply within the social platform.
  • Email the account that posted the image.
  • Comment on the post, gently noting what about the image is unsafe and offering a link or suggestions for how to follow the guidelines.

Remember, it is important to offer helpful, constructive feedback in a kind and nonjudgmental tone. You can use the following language as is or adjust as needed to respond in these situations.

Learn more about what a safe infant sleep environment looks like.

Short Message or Post for Instagram or X (Twitter)

Thank you for your post. We noticed it doesn’t follow the current safe infant sleep guidelines. Please check out this info & consider posting a new photo or message that follows the guidelines to help spread the word about safe infant sleep:

Long Message or Post for Facebook or LinkedIn

Thanks for your post. We’re reaching out because we noticed that your photo or message doesn’t follow the current safe infant sleep guidelines. Here’s a checklist to help you set up a safe sleep environment for your baby:

We hope you’ll consider posting a new photo or message that follows the safe infant sleep guidelines to show others what a safe sleep environment for baby looks like. We appreciate your efforts! If you have any questions, please let us know.

Dear [Name]:

Thank you for your SIDS Awareness Month post. We appreciate your efforts to spread the word about safe infant sleep. We are reaching out because we noticed that your photo or message does not follow the current safe infant sleep guidelines, and we want to provide you with some resources on this topic.

According to the latest safe infant sleep external link research, a safe sleep area:

  • Is firm and flat (like a mattress in a safety-approved crib, bassinet, or play yard)
  • Is level (not at an angle or inclined)
  • Is covered only with a fitted sheet
  • Has no objects, toys, or items
  • Always has baby sleeping on their back to reduce the risk of SIDS
  • Is in the parents’ room, but separate from their bed

We invite you to review information from the Safe to Sleep® campaign for details on safe infant sleep environments. We hope you will consider taking new pictures of baby in a safe sleep area and posting them for SIDS Awareness Month.

Thank you again for your participation in SIDS Awareness Month outreach. Please let us know if you have any questions.

[Add signature and name of participating organization(s)]