Social Media Content

A caregiver (left) kisses a baby on the check while an additional caregiver (right) holds the baby in their arms.Use these messages and graphics on your social media channels to spread the word about safe infant sleep during Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month in October, and year-round.

Learn more about the #ClearTheCrib challenge and get guidance for using hashtags. Get tips for addressing images or photos that do not follow safe infant sleep guidelines.

Shareable Messages

Check out Safe to Sleep® information about SIDS for general audiences.


  • Can you spot the clutter? This Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month, take the #ClearTheCrib Challenge with your family and friends to show off your safe infant sleep skills. Learn more about the challenge at #SafeToSleep #SIDSAwarenessMonth #SIDS

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  • During Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month, join Safe to Sleep® and its partners in spreading the word about #SafeSleep for babies. Use our digital toolkit to find resources and learn about activities, like the #ClearTheCrib Challenge. Visit #SafeToSleep

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X (Twitter)

  • DYK? October is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (#SIDS) Awareness Month. Spread the word about #SafeSleep for babies using resources & activities, like the #ClearTheCrib Challenge. #SafeToSleep

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  • #ClearTheCrib to create a safe sleep area for baby! Share this fun challenge with new parents and caregivers to help them practice creating a safe infant sleep environment. Learn more at #SIDSAwarenessMonth #SafeToSleep #BabySleep

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Get more guidance for using hashtags.

Check out our resources on breastfeeding and SIDS and information for dads about safe infant sleep.


  • Parents: Show friends and family what safe sleep for baby looks like by taking the #ClearTheCrib Challenge. Learn more and explore resources for #SIDSAwarenessMonth and beyond at #SafeToSleep 

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  • Parents: DYK? Placing babies on their back to sleep reduces the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths. Learn more about safe infant sleep and spread the word in fun ways during #SIDSAwarenessMonth: #InfantSafety #SIDS #SafeToSleep #BabySleep

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X (Twitter)

  • Parents: DYK? Placing babies on their backs to sleep reduces the risk of #SIDS & other sleep-related infant deaths. Learn more about safe sleep for baby & spread the word during #SIDSAwarenessMonth! Learn more at #SafeToSleep #InfantSafety #BabySleep

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  • Parents: #ClearTheCrib to create a safe sleep space for baby! Take part in this fun challenge with friends and family to help them practice setting up a safe infant sleep environment. Learn more at #SIDSAwarenessMonth #SafeToSleep #BabySleep

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Get more guidance for using hashtags.

Check out our resources for grandparents.


  • Grandparents: Can you spot the clutter? Show friends and family what safe sleep for your grandbaby looks like by taking the #ClearTheCrib Challenge. And spread the word about safe infant sleep this #SIDSAwarenessMonth and year-round. Visit our site to learn more: #SafeToSleep

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  • Grandparents: Did you know? Couches and armchairs can be very dangerous for babies, especially if adults fall asleep while feeding or comforting baby on these surfaces. During #SIDSAwarenessMonth, remind friends and family how to help keep your grandbaby safe during sleep. Learn more: #SafeToSleep 

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X (Twitter)

  • Grandparents: Spread the word about safe sleep practices for your grandbaby by taking the #ClearTheCrib Challenge with your family and friends this October. #SafeToSleep #SIDSAwarenessMonth

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  • Grandparents: Couches & armchairs can be very dangerous for babies, especially if you fall asleep while feeding or comforting them. Remind others how to help keep your grandbaby safe during sleep. Learn more at #SIDSAwarenessMonth #SafeToSleep

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Get more guidance for using hashtags.

Check out Safe to Sleep® information about SIDS.

Download Honor the Past, Learn from the Future: What does a safe sleep environment look like?  (PDF 1.1 MB)


  • Protecting the next generation is an important part of helping Native culture thrive. Take the #CleartheCrib Challenge to spread the word about safe sleep for baby. And learn how to lower the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related infant deaths, during SIDS Awareness Month in October and beyond. #SafeToSleep #HealthyNativeBabies 

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  • Honor the past, learn for the future! Find out more about how to set up a safe sleep space for your baby. And share safe sleep info with your friends and family. #SafeToSleep #ClearTheCrib #HealthyNativeBabies

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X (Twitter)

  • Can you spot the clutter? Use the #CleartheCrib Challenge as a fun way to encourage safe infant sleep practices in your community. Check out these materials to help spread the word. #ClearTheCrib #SafeToSleep #HealthyNativeBabies

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  • #CommunityHealthWorkers & providers can honor the past, & learn for the future by sharing safe infant sleep info! Start during #SIDSAwarenessMonth and share with your community year-round: #ClearTheCrib #SafeToSleep #HealthyNativeBabies

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Check out our resources in Spanish.


  • ¿Sabía esto? Los sofás y sillones nunca son lugares seguros para que los bebés duerman. Pueden ser muy peligrosos cuando un adulto se queda dormido mientras alimenta o consuela el bebé sobre ellos. Recuerde a sus amigos y familiares cómo mantener al bebé seguro mientras duerme. #SueñoSeguro

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X (Twitter)

  • Acostar a los bebés boca arriba para dormir reduce el riesgo de muertes infantiles relacionadas con el sueño. ¡Corra la voz sobre el sueño seguro de los bebés! Obtenga más información en #SueñoSeguro #BebéSeguro #SueñoDelBebé

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Check out our resources in French and Arabic.

Posts in French

  • Coucher bébé sur le dos pour tous les moments de sommeil permet de réduire le risque de mort subite du nourrisson et d’autres décès liés au sommeil chez le nourrisson. En savoir plus sur le sommeil en toute sécurité de bébé à l’adresse

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  • Le saviez-vous ? Les canapés et les fauteuils peuvent être très dangereux pour les bébés, notamment si l’adulte s’endort en nourrissant ou en câlinant bébé. Rappelez à vos amis et à votre famille comment assurer la sécurité de bébé pendant son sommeil avec cette fiche d’information:

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Posts in Arabic

  • وضع الرضع على ظهورهم عند النوم يقلل من مخاطر متلازمة موت الرضع المفاجئ وغيرها من حالات وفاة الرضع المرتبطة بالنوم. انشر المعلومات حول النوم الآمن للرضع واعرف المزيد من خلال الرابط

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  • هل تعلم؟  يمكن أن تكون الأرائك والكراسي خطيرة جدًا للرضع خاصةً إذا نام المعتني بالطفل أثناء إرضاعهم أو تهدئتهم. ذكّر أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك بكيفية الحفاظ على سلامة الطفل أثناء نومه من خلال هذه النشرة

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Shareable Graphics for Social Media

Share these graphics with safe sleep messages on social media.

#ClearTheCrib Instagram Reels

Share these short videos with your followers or use them as inspiration to make a video of your own!

Check out all of NICHD’s Instagram Reels.

Guidance for Using Hashtags (#)

Hashtags are a way to help social media users find content related to topics of interest. They can help your posts reach people who are interested in information about SIDS Awareness Month and safe infant sleep. Hashtags also help certain topics build a following on social media.

We recommend including some of the following hashtags in posts about SIDS Awareness Month:

  • #ClearTheCrib
  • #SafeToSleep
  • #SIDSAwarenessMonth
  • #SafeInfantSleep
  • #HealthyNativeBabies
  • #SueñoSeguro
  • #NationalBreastfeedingMonth (August)
  • #BabySafetyMonth (September)

In addition, consider including hashtags that are relevant for your community. You can replace the hashtags in the example posts on this page with ones that are more appropriate for your audience or organization.

The best number of hashtags per post varies by social media platform:  

  • Facebook: 2-3 hashtags per post
  • Instagram: 3-5 hashtags per post
  • X (Twitter): 1-2 hashtags per post